National Lockdown – What Now? – 7th Update

We are now fully in the swing of things and government has issued some additional revisions along with some relaxations to the existing regulations. As there are now fully four (4) separate documents that make up the DMA Regulations for the Lockdown, I have combined all of the amendments into a simpler and easier to use format (Linked Here).

As the weather is again chilly in the largest part of South Africa, the public is cautioned that the colder weather has proven conducive to COVID-19 infections in the Northern Hemisphere and where necessary, extra precautions should be taken.

If you have not yet implemented a COVID-19 policy and response plan you are urged to do so as a matter of urgency.

However, another day and another new directive from the Department of Employment and Labour who have again revised the autoreply response on the email address which we have attached hereto for your convenience along with all the attachments.

Various industries have published directives on the regulations and Employers are encouraged to ensure that you keep updated on which of these apply to your own industries.

Some Employers have already applied for TERS benefits, however I have no confirmed reports of any of these being successfully paid to date.