Author: buff0k

  • What a hectic weekend…

    I am writing this between all the other piles of work that I have lying on my desk at the moment, so I apologize for the brevity of the post, just realized that it’s been months since I last posted and am hoping to stimulate a post by Lee… I have been having a fairly…

  • Day 1: I Will Knock Your F#@&!ng Head Off!!!

    Last night, at aproximately 23h00 I got it into my head that quiting smoking would be an excellent idea, in fact, not only smoking, but a few of my other vices as well, since we’re doing this anyway, might as well rip the band-aid off in one go right… Well, I am sitting at my…

  • Danger, here be dragons!!!

    I find that the old cartography habit of denoting dangerous and/or unexplored areas with the phrase; “Here Be Dragons” is oddly fitting within the context of my rant for the day. The subject: WOMENFOLK!!! ARGH!!! DESPAIR!!! (And yes, they all are the one and same thing. So, what valuable insight I have been able to…

  • A quick essay on why I hate Sandton despite the awesomeness that it contains…

    Okay, for those of you who do not get to go to Sandton too often (I am specifically referring to the CBD), they are busy with a project to ‘move’ Sandton City. This conjures up images of the mega movers loading the towering building on the back of huge mover trucks and hauling the whole…

  • Bloody hell… The world needs change…

    So, following my mostly optimistic views on this country last week, my belief in the basic good of humanity was once again put to the test, and once again, it would appear that people suck… I was doing a delivery for a client in Middelburg, and was held, at gunpoint, so that the idiot could…

  • And another statement of a semi-political nature…

    Good day It has been awhile since my last post, mostly the reason for this has been my involvement with various organizations relating to the content of my last post, but also due to some really hectic developements in my personal life. But now is the time to speak out once more, and have my…

  • Is this how things are going to be?

    Let me preface this post with some background… Virginia Keppler “Sterf wit man! Viva, Malema!” Só het vier gewapende rowers glo eergister omstreeks 05:00 tydens ’n plaasaanval in Bynespoort, sowat 5km van Mamelodi in die ooste van Pretoria, geskreeu toe hulle ’n gesin aangeval het. Mnr. Leon Johan Koekemoer (39), ’n kaptein en instrukteur in…

  • Racial Issues Can Only Affect Us If We Allow It

    Racial Issues Can Only Affect Us If We Allow It

    Hey, so, given recent news regarding Eugene Terreblanche’s murder in his farmhouse and the subsequent uproar and so on, I would like to voice my opinion here and on this very topic today. Yes, In no way can the murder of this icon be seen as a mere statistic, for many of the Afrikaner volk,…

  • Hard work yields rewards…

    I am having what can only be described as a week from hell… I have more to do than I could possibly manage, more responsibilities than I can field and more ahead, but luckily I am one of the lucky people who is posessed of perspective. Nothing worth having, was ever easy to get, nothing…

  • Implementing Vodacom Uncapped ADSL

    Argh!!! Frustration… But then again, with no-one to blame but myself for insisting on their service… Based on my experience with their backbone and service standard, they were the obvious choice, either them or IS, but I needed to use them in order to see how well they work. The truth, hardly at all… Having…