Category: IT Dude

  • A Week Using MacOS X

    Okay, now, having used a MacBook Air running MacOS X for one week now, courtesy of Alad, I will say this for the tiny little fruit… It rocks, as a gadget… As a tool, it is all but useless… It’s counter intuitive from a technical perspective, and testing and diagnostics are nearly not even worth…

  • And yet another epic failure by Apple and iStore…

    Well, would you guess it, turns out it was the OS disc that was faulty, so they replaced it. But not after I asked the technician wether he can confirm that it was just the disc and not the drive and received his assurance of said… Well, turns out that the untrained buffoons that work…

  • Mac woes continued…

    So, having finally giving up on using either the disc or drive that I purchased on Friday in order to reinstall the MacBook Air that belongs to my client, I have been forced to make the 40km trek to Vodaworld in order to let the “specialists” at the iStore tell me their thoughts and find…

  • When A PC Tech Tackles A MacBook Air…

    Well, having a ball of a time with what can only be described as one of the worst upgrade experiences of my life… But here we go: On Friday, one of my biggest clients asked me to “fix his computer”, I walk into his office and am greeted by what can only be described as…

  • Beer, Cigarettes and Pirated Content…

    I am presently seated at a major LAN event, which is held every month in a town close to my parents place. I try and make it out here every month, but on average I am only here once every three months due to my other responsibilities. But what makes me write about tonights event…

  • …Oh ja…

    I just realized that I wasn’t in fact done with a previous rant regarding taxis and our beautiful governments epic failures in the area of road safety… Hmph… Not really in the mood to get all worked up over that again… But I will at least close off the previous rant with the following; …as…

  • After a long absence, I bring nothing new to the table…

    Hey all (and by that I mean all three the people who follow my blog, that is to say if they haven’t passed away in the interim, which is entirely possible). So, here we are at the start of a new year, and we are all aware that the Fifa world cup is going to…

  • Introspection

    So, recently I have been in a situation where I had to make a decision… A tricky one, and I made the “right” choice, which, as it turns out, wasn’t the right choice… But for a change I had to do something right… Here is my question; why is it that doing the right thing…

  • Second Life

    Okay, so Second Life isn’t all bad… It does lack some decent controls… But that is to be expected on most internet connections in South Africa… While the concept is sound, I think that more attention should be given to the interface, and the controls should be adjusted to me more natural to thos of…

  • I is bach..

    Hey all my faithful readers… I am back, and todays topic, social networking… What began with bulletin boards has now come to the point where vast social networks spanning the globe make communication between individuals so much easier, but also, has expanded our reach in our perpetual hunt for new knowledge and new people… I…