Category: Musings

  • Introspection

    So, recently I have been in a situation where I had to make a decision… A tricky one, and I made the “right” choice, which, as it turns out, wasn’t the right choice… But for a change I had to do something right… Here is my question; why is it that doing the right thing…

  • Second Life

    Okay, so Second Life isn’t all bad… It does lack some decent controls… But that is to be expected on most internet connections in South Africa… While the concept is sound, I think that more attention should be given to the interface, and the controls should be adjusted to me more natural to thos of…

  • I is bach..

    Hey all my faithful readers… I am back, and todays topic, social networking… What began with bulletin boards has now come to the point where vast social networks spanning the globe make communication between individuals so much easier, but also, has expanded our reach in our perpetual hunt for new knowledge and new people… I…

  • F&@#!%g Taxis!!!

    I apologize for the lengthy wait since my last post, this is not because I have lost interest but rather because I have been so busy (In fact I still am). But something that has happened in the week has created the need in my heart to vent again, so sadly for you, you all…

  • The #CareerGeneration

    I have always wanted to invent a buzzword, so use this one as often as possible so it may spread like wildfire. During a social event last night I realized something interresting, and that was that my generation is very career driven. So much so, in fact, that we tend to eschew social events in…

  • Zim, take our useless nationals…

    Firstly, let me begin by congratulating Trevor Manual (One of our few ministers who actually deserves his post) on another well rounded and almost perfect budget. Now, the rant: South Africa has 5.3million taxpayers, which on first glance looks to be a reasonable amount, but why then, do we have 13million people on social welfare?…

  • Screamer Sucks

    Welcome to my blog, and yes, this is rather unfortunate that I have to make my first post in such a negative fashion. Hopefully at least this will draw attention to the fact that the service from certain companies sucks. Firstly, a little history, for those of you who do not know who Screamer is,…