Category: Musings

  • Opstaantyd


    Die wekker gaan af, weer, soos elke ander oggend, te vroeg… te laat… nie dat dit saakmaak nie, ek het in elk geval nie geslaap nie, net soos elke ander oggend. Ek gryp blindelings na die foon op my bedkassie en stamp die leë whiskey bottel om. Sal vandag nog ‘n bottel moet gaan koop.…

  • Die Keerpunt – ‘n Refleksie

    Die Keerpunt – ‘n Refleksie

    Ek maak die besluit, in daardie oomblik weet ek, hierdie is nie wat ek wil hê nie. So wil ek nie lewe nie, Hilton Neale het eenmaal gesê:  Imagine a world, a world where every breath is pain, because it meant he was living a second longer in a world where she didn’t exist. In…

  • When clients should listen… For reals yo…

    So, another fantastically action-packed, event-filled time…. is still in progress. I barely have time to eat, never mind the simple luxuries of a full night sleep or the ability to do my own grocery shopping. But, alas, so is the life of the labour consultant. Here is a very important point I need to get…

  • CitiBoi becomes Dorpseun… But goes corporate all the same…

    Good day all readers, followers, interested parties and/or stalkers. Admittedly it has been awhile since my last post, and there has been a very good reason for this, my laziness not being it. To catch you up on what has happened and why I have been so lax in writing, it is very simple. I…

  • Die Verval Van Hendrina

    Die Verval Van Hendrina

    Hendrina, ‘n vaal, verlate, stofbruin wrak van ‘n myndorpie. Met paaie wat soos switzerse kaas vol gate en krake le. ‘n Dorpie waar selfs die enigste verkeerslig jare terug al opgepak het en elders gegaan het, dalk in protes teen die verval van die plek, die agteruitgang van sy tuisdorp, wie sou weet? Die vervalle…

  • Hartseer en verlange…

    Vanaand skryf ek in Afrikaans… Ek skryf in Afrikaans, gedeeltelik omdat ek wil sien of ek nog kan, gedeeltelik omdat ek gese het ek gaan, en meestal omdat ek voel in Afrikaans… Ek is vervul met verlange, met ‘n baie spesifieke leemte in my lewe, ‘n leemte in ‘n vorm wat ek goed ken. Ek…

  • I Love Someone…

    Today, I write my latest entry with a very specific reason in mind, I am writing about something that I am feeling, something inside of me that needs to be said, and something that I need to get off my chest. In order to understand them, you need to understand that there are various types…

  • Learning About Life Needs Practice

    So, time for another blog post… I have refrained from writing for the past few weeks because initially the topic would’ve sickened everyone and more recently, because I just didn’t want to do many things. So then, finally, I think that I have something worth saying. Where to begin; well, there is the whole concept…

  • And The Winner Is (Part 1)

    Good evening, CitiBoi here, just thought I’d let you all know why the blog has died an entirely unexpected death. While the idea was brilliant, I failed to bring into account the reality of the situation that emotions can catch you completely off guard. About four weeks ago in an entirely unexpected turn of events, I felt…

  • Hmmm… Tralalalala Cling Cling!!!

    All that I can say, is WOW! These past few weeks, I have been seeing someone new, and despite all my romantic speculations and thoughts over the years, I have never experience emotions at the level that I am now. I would like to point out at this point, that I am quite fond of…