National Lockdown – What Now? – 1st Update

Following my earlier post in this regard, please be advised of the following information as relates to the planned Lockdown:

  1. At present, no formal information has been received as to the definition of what constitutes an Essential Service during the Lockdown, however it is noted that Mining is still engaged in talks.
  2. Rumours of a requirement for a Permit System have been made known, this has not been formally confirmed yet and pending official information in this regard we cannot advise on the validity thereof.
  3. UIF Benefits can be claimed. At the outset of the COVID-19 epidemic, the Unemployment Insurance Act was referenced as relates to special provisions relating to the payment of benefits for reduced work time (Short Term Shutdowns).

While we await clarity in terms of the first two (2) points, it may be necessary to inform employer’s regarding the UIF processes as they are currently known.

Find hereiwth communications from the Department of Employment and Labour outlining the processes and documents required to be completed by Employers and Employees.

TERS Easy Aid

COVID-19 UIF Benefits

While this was intended for voluntary self-isolation cases, due to a lack of further information from Government on specific mechanisms to be used, this information may be used for the Lockdown.

Further mention is made of a UIF Contribution break, however the 1% savings for both Employer and Employees are not sufficient in the case of most SMME’s and will by itself not have a major effect on the ability to pay wages.