National Lockdown – What Now? – 13th Update

At 20h00 on the 28th of December 2020, the President announced the implementation of an Adjusted Level 3 Lockdown which takes effect from the 29th of December 2020. This means that we are back to a stricter set of regulations and again a larger impact on your business.

While the content of the President’s speech alluded to reverting a lot of the freedoms which have been granted since the implementation of Level 1 of Lockdown, for the most part, the impact on business is minimal with certain key exceptions (Hotels, Restaurants, Bars, Liquor, etc.).

As has been my practice since the start of the National Lockdown, we again include a comprehensive, combined version of the regulations as they currently exist:

Disaster Management Act Regulations – As of 29 December 2020

One of the bigger changes has been the extension of the curfew, meaning that any business (Except those specifically excluded in terms of Table 2 of the Regulations) which operates between 21h00 and 06h00 daily must ensure that each employee is in possession of a valid permit which corresponds with Form 7 of the Regulations:

Form 7 in terms of Disaster Management Act Regulations