National Lockdown – What Now? – 14th Update

Happy New Year to all of my readers, however following the President’s “Family Meeting” on the 11th of January 2021, we have received, again, numerous amendments to the COVID-19 Lockdown Regulations.

For the ease of reference, herewith an updated summary of the regulations inclusive of all amendments and inclusions to date:

Download the Latest Regulations Here

While there have been some changes, we should reflect on the most important ones:

  1. It has finally been clarified in the regulations that Children under the age of 6 will not be required to wear a face mask in public. (Regulation 34(2))
  2. Every business MUST perform an audit of its available floor space and determine maximum occupancy based on the available floor space, accounting for social distancing. Business must display an occupancy certificate to that effect, as well as ensure that no more than 50% of the occupancy limit of the business is reached. (Regulations 36(15)(b), 36(2))
  3. Every business MUST appoint a Compliance Employee who is responsible for ensuring compliance with regulations and whose details should be prominently displayed in the workplace. (Regulations 34(6)(e) and 46)
  4. Banks and Financial Institutions who have ATM’s must ensure that they provide sanitizer for use by the public as well as ensure that customers who are queuing comply with social distancing measures.
  5. A revised Permit has been issued for Employees who are required to travel during curfew and who are not performing a duty specifically excluded in Table 2 of the Regulations.

Download a template of FORM7 Here