A Week Using MacOS X

Okay, now, having used a MacBook Air running MacOS X for one week now, courtesy of Alad, I will say this for the tiny little fruit… It rocks, as a gadget… As a tool, it is all but useless… It’s counter intuitive from a technical perspective, and testing and diagnostics are nearly not even worth the effort.. Software restrictions are far less of an issue than I initially thought, as I managed to get most of my day to day apps (or at least a workable substitute) downloaded and running with very little trouble…

From a strictly technical point of view however, it is a bitch… But at the end of the day, for your average office jock, this is the solution I would advise as it needs no maintenance and the simple click and run approach is almost foolproof…

In summary, An apple is simply a PC without any of the really useful bits… Based on the Apple marketing campaign where they consider their product as ideal for those who think outside of the box I am forced to conclude that; “Apple is just in the box thinking with a smaller box than PC, admittedly with a better interior decorator…”


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