Hard work yields rewards…

I am having what can only be described as a week from hell…
I have more to do than I could possibly manage, more responsibilities than I can field and more ahead, but luckily I am one of the lucky people who is posessed of perspective. Nothing worth having, was ever easy to get, nothing worth doing, was ever easy to do, nothing worth saying, ever came easily, but when you realize the freedoms that we have as a result of what others did, others gave up and others worked hard for, then we have no right to complain… Complaining is a waste, pure and simple. If you want to complain and not have viable solutions or the willingness to implement said solutions, then you do not have the right to complain… There is enough negativity in the world. What the world needs is people who are willing to do the work. To get things done…
If you are one of the complainers in my life, count yourself removed from it. I will only remain friends with people who have vision, tenacity and vigour… You become that with which you surround yourself, and there are far to many pessimistic defeatists in this world… I will not number among them…


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