Is this how things are going to be?

Let me preface this post with some background…

Virginia Keppler
“Sterf wit man! Viva, Malema!”

Só het vier gewapende rowers glo eergister omstreeks 05:00 tydens ’n plaasaanval in Bynespoort, sowat 5km van Mamelodi in die ooste van Pretoria, geskreeu toe hulle ’n gesin aangeval het.

Mnr. Leon Johan Koekemoer (39), ’n kaptein en instrukteur in die Herstigte Kommandokorps, was saam met sy vrou, Annelie (37), en hul drie minderjarige kinders en hul 56-jarige loseerder tuis op hul plaas naby die Cullinand-pad toe die rowers toegeslaan het.

Kmdt. Franz Jooste, uitvoerende direkteur van die kommandokorps wat as ’n art.21-maatskappy geregistreer is, het gesê die rowers het deur ’n venster in die sitkamer ingebreek nadat hulle die diefwering oopgebreek het.

Jooste het gesê toe een van die rowers die egpaar in hul kamer wou oorval, het mev. Koekemoer opgespring en die kamerdeur toegegooi en dit probeer toedruk.

“Die rower het die deur oopgeskop en toe met haar begin stoei. Kapt. Koekemoer het opgespring en na sy byl, wat hy in die kamer hou, gegryp.”

Jooste het gesê kapt. Koekemoer het aanvanklik gesukkel om ’n hou in te kry omdat die aanvaller en sy vrou rof gestoei het. Toe hy ’n kans kry, het hy hard na die aanvaller gekap.

“Dié het toe dadelik uit die kamer gehardloop en deur die sitkamervenster gevlug. Sy makker het intussen na die loseerder se kamer gegaan en daar probeer inkom.

“Toe hy uiteindelik by die deur ingestorm het, het die loseerder twee skote op hom gevuur en hy het in die gang dood neergeval.”

Die ander twee aanvallers het ook gevlug. Jooste het bygevoeg dat hulle die plaasaanvalle op mnr. Julius Malema, die ANC-jeugleier, en sy sing van die woorde “skiet die Boer” blameer.

Jooste het gesê dié aanvallers het hulle vasgeloop omdat hul kommando’s paraat is danksy goeie opleiding wat hulle gekry het. “Ons het baie groot suksesse met die nuwe kommando wat weer op die been is.”

Kapt. Sipho Zulu, polisiewoordvoerder, het gesê die polisie ondersoek ’n klag van huisroof en poging tot moord.

“Die polisie is ook besig met ’n geregtelike doodsondersoek na die dood van een van die aanvallers,” het Zulu gesê.

Above article is from Beeld, here is the link:

Is this the proof that farm attacks are related to Idiot Malema’s public rants that the government was waiting for, or will they think up another reason to delay protecting us, the Afrikaner community?

Directly resulting from this attack, and in accordance with South African law, we, the afrikaner community, now have a right to police protection… It will be interresting to see our defunct government attempt to provide us with said protection as outlined in the consitution… Failing this, a possible alternative would then be relaxing firearm control legislation in order to allow us to defend ourselves. These are the only two realistic and practical solutions to the problem, and it would appear that government is not going to budge on either of these, thereby sending a clear message that they cannot and/or will not help us when we require it. Maybe the time has come to seriously consider the possibility of creating a free standing state where we will be able to defend ourselves.
Further that, the next ill educated communist d!@&3@d that spouts something along the lines of “We suffered under the old regime” will receive a personal ass kicking from me. Damn right you suffered, the apartheid policies were wrong, we apologizes, we gave you a fair chance and what positive, realistic things happened? Absolutely nothing, you destroyed what infrastructure we had in place and allowed the rest to crumble slowly as your chosen leadership lined their pockets and continue to do so, and still, you blame us… The irony is, that we did not tax the black community during apartheid, and allocated a portion of the taxes from the white community in order to sustain you regardless of your lack of contribution to the direct tax. We did make ill use of you to further our corporate ideals and for that, I believe we have paid. I am all for a race neutral world, but this is fast changing as I am becoming a victim of what can only be described as genocide.
Government failure to succesfully leash their dog (Idiot Malema) and the subsequent loss of lives of the afrikaner volk will result in an uprising. A brief assesment of the situation here now, and talking with people who lived in Rhodesia thirty years ago seem to draw some truly fearful parallels… Reflect on this for a moment and then decide… Will Pres. Zuma reign in his dog, or will it become necessary for us to leave his country to him, so that Idiot Malema can actually have this country turn into the same bloody mess that is Zimbabwe? Only time will tell, but I know my course, while presently I am at a watch and wait position, it is beginning to become clear what I am waiting for… I invite any and all comments, as always, your opinions matter…


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