Day 1: I Will Knock Your F#@&!ng Head Off!!!

Last night, at aproximately 23h00 I got it into my head that quiting smoking would be an excellent idea, in fact, not only smoking, but a few of my other vices as well, since we’re doing this anyway, might as well rip the band-aid off in one go right…

Well, I am sitting at my desk, in a smoking office where I am now the only non-smoker, with my bottle of fresh fruit juice and a pack of cookies to help with the oral fixation, and typing across multiple screens in order to keep my hands busy, argh!!! And if one more person congratulates me I am going to commit murder…

Just thought I’d share that for now, stay posted, as my temper stabilizes and my body gets used to no longer receiving it’s nicotine fix I might just be able to keep you updated as to how it’s going…

Quiting, is for quitters, and while I have never thought of myself as a quitter, maybe it’s time I became one…


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