After a long absence, I bring nothing new to the table…

Hey all (and by that I mean all three the people who follow my blog, that is to say if they haven’t passed away in the interim, which is entirely possible). So, here we are at the start of a new year, and we are all aware that the Fifa world cup is going to be happening this year, fun times… Our matrics of 2009 are a quite uneducated lot and apparantly google have stepped up their plans for world domination by releasing the Google Nexus One (though it’s technically just a worse copy of the HTC Hero). In other news, 2009 saw far fewer US Patents registered by US companies and a dramatic increase from Asia, this has the Obama state quite worried as it is now finally quantafiable how dumb americans are becoming… Also, apparantly stem cells can now be harvested from male testicles, clearing up the murky mess that is embryonic stemm cell research philosophy a little and possibly allowing for new technologies that will save lives and allow us to further overpopulate the planet… Another interresting titbit is the fact that it is now possible to artificially recreate flesh, giving vegans some food for thought (I am entitled to write puns in my blog). Basically, I am excited for the new year and learning what will happen as these new technologies come of age. Having finally given in and going to watch Avatar 3D, I am impressed with the related technology, and thanks to that single movie, Sony have anounced a handheld 3D HD camcorder, so with the advent of 3D display technologies (From Viewsonic) the world might just become more interactive this year… Windows 7 has launched and been beautiful, truly a succesful operating system for the IT crowd and for once an example of what MS can achieve when they actually try.

As for relationships, clearly 2009/10 going to be a lonely year for many, as I see friend Tiger has joined the ranks of the single… We welcome you playa…

In other news, I am moving again at the end of January and I am not happy about it. So much hard work… ouch…

Anyway, just wanted to write something at least, will try to update again soon… But I leave you with a simple thought: “Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months.” – Oscar Wilde


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