…Oh ja…

I just realized that I wasn’t in fact done with a previous rant regarding taxis and our beautiful governments epic failures in the area of road safety… Hmph… Not really in the mood to get all worked up over that again… But I will at least close off the previous rant with the following;

…as of now my father is back home, and we are very lucky that this is the case, but the truth of the matter is that government is currently demonstrating their utter inability to control the road safety in a manner which is fair… Their failure in this regard is, in fact, a blatant infraction on our human rights, as they ure not able to provide for our safety on the roads (our safety at home is probably going to be the topic of an entirely different rant at a later stage). And I am dissapointed that a once remarkable infrastructure has been allowed to crumble to the verge of ruin… How often do you pass an out of order traffic light in your daily commute? Now, how often can you find a metrocop sitting less than 500m further along the road manning a speedtrap? Would not an educated person see the need to assist in the flow of traffic rather than preying on those individuals speeding because the non functioning traffic light has caused them to be late for a meeting, where they are required, as tax paying citizens, to be in order to make their salaries of which SARS claims a not insubstantial portion on the premise that they will use at least a portion thereof to fascilitate the taxpayers ability to perform vital work functions in the form of transport infrastructure and competent traffic officers? Alas, this isn’t the case, bacause in the 2008/9 Tax season 5.6million registered tax payers (companies and private individuals) had to pay for the 11.3million people on welfare…


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