When A PC Tech Tackles A MacBook Air…

Well, having a ball of a time with what can only be described as one of the worst upgrade experiences of my life… But here we go:
On Friday, one of my biggest clients asked me to “fix his computer”, I walk into his office and am greeted by what can only be described as the single most beautiful piece of tech I have ever seen, a brand spanking new MacBook Air. Now, having some (albeit very little) experience in MacOS X, I decided that I can give it a shot. His issue was that it wouldn’t install the update from 10.4.6 to 10.5.8. So I try to install it, and sure as you would believe, it fails. Not being easily dissuaded and being armed with the mighty Google as my ally, I delve into the dark realms that are the Apple Support Forums and quickly discover that this isn’t a very rare phenomena. The solution, is backing up and reinstalling from your original factory discs, Not a problem, I ask my client where I would find his discs only to be informed that he does not have them. So I decide to buy new ones (Just to be legal, and also, due to the lack of an optical drive on the MacBook Air, I sell him a brand new Apple SuperDrive). Having accepted my quote, he also asks me to make use of the BootCamp feature so that he can dual-boot Windows 7 on his new toy…
Now having to drive 40km to procure said stock, I return to my office/workshop/home and connect the brand spanking new DVD-Recorder. I insert the disc and continue to install the software, only to run into an error, which I then decide to solve by reinstalling the entire laptop from scratch after formatting it… Big Mistake… Turns out that either the drive or the installtion media is corrupt… Fun times… I am presently attempting to install the OS from my PC over the wireless network at the office, and this is probably going to take the remaining years of my life to achieve… But I have now learnt one very valuable lesson here that I cannot stress the importance of… If ever, a client wants me to reinstall their Mac again, I will take their slick and beautiful piece of technological marvel, and shove it perpendicularly up their lowest orifice…


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