Screamer Sucks

Welcome to my blog, and yes, this is rather unfortunate that I have to make my first post in such a negative fashion. Hopefully at least this will draw attention to the fact that the service from certain companies sucks.
Firstly, a little history, for those of you who do not know who Screamer is, they are a wireless broadband internet and telecommunications provider currently based in Pretoria.
My current issue is that I had to move one of our managers CPE (Panel used to connect to their network) to point at a new location. Just as I set it up and got it running, there was a lightning storm and one of the repeater towers in the line apparantly went down. I can ping the tower I connect to and get good timing, as well as access to the nearest DNS Server. But still have no internet (Two days later). Attempting to contact them has remained utterly fruitless. They have a message that keeps telling me that their office hours are 8am till 10pm blah blah (For the record, I was trying from 20h30 till 22h15), and then it cuts off. They also provide alternative telephone numbers that don’t work at all…
I am so fed up with so called “hassle-free” broadband providers and their willingness to take your money and then fail in providing on their promises, as if Telkom wasn’t a bad enough experience…

This leads me to my next point, that since their failure is of such epic proportions, I am going to do some research and see if I cannot better them in the field they are currently in, simply because, I’m awesome…


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