F&@#!%g Taxis!!!

I apologize for the lengthy wait since my last post, this is not because I have lost interest but rather because I have been so busy (In fact I still am). But something that has happened in the week has created the need in my heart to vent again, so sadly for you, you all get to hear another rant…

Let me begin by expressing my condolences to the family of Bernadine Kruger in their time of sadness this week. It is on this very topic that I am writing today, as I feel that our useless government has once again failed us and this time an innocent, well-loved child had to pay the price. All because our metro police care more about striking and mass action than any measurable amount of job performance. Now let me begin by stating that I do agree that they should be paid more (though they already earn more than the SAPD, but they can’t strike, they don’t have the right). I agree that corruption should be addressed and yes, the media is the most effective means to accomplish this, but you don’t need to toi-toi everytime you don’t get your way, sometimes try and follow the propor channels, I understand that you are uneducated and that beurocracy is a “new” concept to you and your “tribal ways” (I state this because you get to use this as an excuse for violence and land reclamation, so why shouldn’t I use it to blame you? Or is that racist, as only a white man can be a racist these days?). And I generalize for a reason, it’s because the greater percentage of the MetroPolice force are of African descent… Not because I am a racist, in fact, I wish that this country could be fair and free and not limit my career opportunities simply becaue of my skin colour, but that’s all besides the point. The point is that becasue the Metro Police are incapable of protecting the public as is their job from poor driving and unroadworthy vehicles (Which in most cases seem to be minibus taxis used for “public transport”) and as a direct result, we have taxi’s involved in accidents almost every day…

My own father was involved in an accident with a taxi on the fourth of January of this year and spent about two weeks in a coma, he is still in hospital (Rehab) becuase of this accident… And the incompetent metro police officers filled out the accident report that one party was the taxi driver (And bear in mind they witnessed my father being loaded, unconscious, into the ambulance) and the other party was unknown and uninjured… UNINJURED MY MOTHERF&@#!%g ass… The metro police’s epic failure at the Kruger incident left the taxi driver to leave the scene. Though it didn’t seem hard for the Beeld to find plenty of witnisses to the accident. Why is it then that the metro police couldn’t and had to rely on the Beeld’s?

It’s because of BEE and all that other racially motivated bulls#!7 that the sodding metro police is littered with corruption and useless officers, so the solution? Strike, cause more inlfation, f&@k up the country further, who gives a crap anyway, right?

I apologize, this is to be continued, I am too angry to finnish this post now…


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