Time to step up methinks…

Hey all my faithful readers (That’s both of you)… Today marks the second Monday following the beginning of a series of news-events that have served as a catalyst for my recent decision to change the world. For real this time…
It all started two weeks ago today, I was driving to workd (As you do on a monday morning) when I heard the news report about the two female paramedics who were assaulted (one raped) while attending to a burnt toddler somewhere in this country. Well, this really got my blood boiling (Having actually known a few girls who have been raped, and the various ways in which they handle the situation). In fact, I was furious. Here we have people, who offer up so much of themselves in order to save the lives of people that they have never met, and this is how society thanks them, not even mentioning the impossible working conditions and miniscule salaries that they face… The constant threat of death now combined with this…
To add insult to injury, the two farm-murders in the same timespan, Jub-Jub killing four school pupils, Julius Malema singing “Kill The Boer” on a campus, claiming how apartheid affected a crop of students who weren’t even born when this was the case… A seventeen year-old teen murdered in her home and her arms chopped off after she was raped. A taxi driver killing two pedestrians… And Eskom feeling that an already broken economy can stand 93% worth of price hikes over three years…
Fury can’t even begin to encapsulate the anger, hatred and emotion that I am experiencing, even now, as I write this.
The time has come to make a change, not just complain, but actually do something about this. And I have decided that the time to become political is almost upon us… While I strongly feel that it would be better to start my own political party, I don’t believe that I can garner the votes required to secure any real office, so instead, I think I am going to start my own little campaign and enter the world of politics on my terms… Enter my three stage plan:

1). Become a Class A Police reservist
Category A Reservist: Functional Policing:
Perform functions in all operational facets of policing either at stations, area or provincial level, but excluding specialized functional duties;
May wear a uniform;
Will be trained in relevant aspects of functional policing.

I am going to begin by making the area in which I live (ie. Linden) a more secure, safer area for all those who live there. I will achieve a form of community service and will create an awareness for my character in this area, building an image of a man who wishes to secure the lives and livelihoods of the community, and branding myself as that man… Getting to know the people as the friendly neighbourhood reservist.

2). Formulate A Belief In The Community
This is a fluent cross from step 1. Where we will begin to build on a community that doesn’t let negativity sway us from our goals of a safer society. We will then begin to start more community projects, including the deployment of more security, a community garden and a community safety forum. Allowing us to work with the SAPS and build a safer community for all concerned.

3). Go Political
Stand for the office of the political party which most strongly supports our drive for safety, and using that drive as a springboard to garner votes and get myself elected to regional office and eventually regional government. Enacting change in the right direction and building a regional sense of community. Forcing crime and service delivery issues out the window and working together to restore this country to the great nation that we have proven ourselves as capable of being…

In summary, my plan entails alot of hard work and handshaking, but I believe that the only way to enact change, is to make it happen and to unite the community in order to achieve the goals that will benefit us all…


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