Implementing Vodacom Uncapped ADSL

Argh!!! Frustration… But then again, with no-one to blame but myself for insisting on their service… Based on my experience with their backbone and service standard, they were the obvious choice, either them or IS, but I needed to use them in order to see how well they work. The truth, hardly at all…
Having waited almost 5 weeks to get my modem delivered, I finally get it and attempt to implement it at my clients network, and the trouble started right there, while it would connect and I could resolve DNS, I could get no traffic. Even worse, they had neglected to configure the router as I specified, so it lies outside of my subnet. Lovely.
Hours on the phone and such finally gets me a working internet connection, outside of the subnet that I require. But then I finally log in and adjust the subnet, only to find that after restarting my subnet is correct, but the DHCP has been disabled, more fun… Now they have disabled my login to the router, meaning that I have to log a service ticket with them just to get the damn thing configured in the manner that I requested more than a month ago…
All the time sitting with a client that is unable to work, because they have no internet, and no network… Great service guys, keep it up, at least now I can safely avoid using Vodacom as an ISP in future and just stick to the offerings of IS, as they have yet to drop the ball once…


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